🎮Delabs Adventure Pass

The Delabs Adventure Pass is your gateway to an enhanced gaming experience. Holders of the Delabs Adventure Pass can enjoy benefits for all Delabs games including Rumble Racing Star.

Benefits include but are not limited to:

  • Early access to our first title Rumble Racing Star

  • Exclusive in-game items

  • Exclusive in-game NFT airdrops

  • Exchange ticket for 1 season of any Delabs Battle Pass

  • IRL event invitations and access to Delabs merchandise

Check out the Delabs Adventure Pass on Opensea: https://opensea.io/collection/delabsadventurepass

Stake your Adventure Pass now: https://stake.delabs.gg

Below are the benefits we have provided to Delabs Adventure Pass holders (many more to come!):

  1. Early Access

We always prioritize Delabs Adventure Pass holders in events and launches. Holders have had early access for all of our launches so far and exclusive or priority access to events regarding Rumble Racing Star. Below is the list of events and launches:

  • RRS Private Party (exclusive access)

  • Summer Camp Closed Beta Test (1 day early access)

  • Team Race Cup (priority access)

  • RRS Open Beta Test (1 day early access)

  1. LadyBuggy Kart

The LadyBuggy Kart is a limited edition kart exclusively made for Delabs Adventure Pass holders. The stats of these karts are among the highest of those released for Open Beta Launch. There will only be 3,433 of these karts and many updates are to come. Grab one to enjoy the races on a LadyBuggy now!

Check out the LadyBuggy kart on Opensea: https://opensea.io/collection/delabsladybuggy

  1. Staking

You can also stake your Delabs Adventure Pass in order to earn points and levels.

When you stake your Adventure Pass, you will have two options:

  • No Lockup: You can unstake your Adventure Pass at any time.

  • Lockup: Unstaking is not possible for a designated period of time.

No Lockup = No Level

If you choose No Lockup, your Adventure Pass will earn points, but it will not level up.

Lockup = Level Up

Here is the lockup leveling structure:

30 Days: +1 Level

60 Days: +3 Levels

100 Days: +7 Levels

180 Days: +17 Levels

433 Days: +60 Levels

If you leave your Adventure Pass staked after the lockup period ends, the staking will continue, and your Adventure Pass will continue to gain points but not levels. If you want to level up after your lockup period ends, you must lock up your Adventure Pass again.

For More Details on Staking: https://delabs.substack.com/p/adventure-pass-staking

  1. Open Beta Test Rewards

With the Open Beta Test and the opening of the Star Garage, we're bringing a handful of new claimables.

Please check the page below for more information on the claimables in the Star Garage:


Last updated